How to use masks properly ?

Wearing a mask prevent your respiratory droplets from reaching others. You have to wear a mask even you're sick πŸ€’ or not. It will help you to stay safe in this current pandemic situation too 😊. 

There are some important facts to know when using a mask.

Before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer πŸ‘. Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin 😷.

Surgical Masks

Most surgical masks are made of 3 layers.

1. Outer fluid - repellent layer : This layer is typically colored. It repels fluids, helping to reduce the chance that viruses and bacteria from the air attach to the mask.
2. High efficiency filter middle layer : This layer capture viruse and bacteria. Any particles which get past the outside layers are filtered here.
3. Absorbant layer : The inner layer captures and absorbs moisture, reducing the chance of any mucus or bacteria from leaving the mask when the wearer coughs, sneezes or talks πŸ—£.

When wearing surgical mask ;

The colored side should face out and the white colored side or lite colered side should face in.

If both sides are same color, then wear soft side towards your face and rough side faces outwards.
πŸ‘‰ Surgical masks are not reusable. Therefore dispose to a trash bin after one use πŸ—‘.

Reusable Masks

Reusable masks may not be as effective as medical or surgical masks. But they slow the spread of virus, bacteria and respiratory droplets. And also they are eco friendly too πŸ€.

πŸ‘‰ After using reusable masks, wash them well with clean water. If you can keep them in hot water for 1-2 minutes ⏱ and dry.

If you work directly with patients πŸ‘¨‍⚕️πŸ‘©‍⚕️or you are working in medical section πŸ₯, then it's better to wear a K95, N95 or KN95 mask. Even you are not under above given categories you can wear those masks.

If you are pregnant 🀰or a person with respiratory diseases or any other disease πŸ€§πŸ€’, it is better to wear a surgical mask more than wearing a fabric mask.

❌ Don't wear masks with valves. The valves are designed to filter tiny particles like dust particles. Those masks can't protect you from viruses or bacteria.

Some people wear 2 masks together. It's better to wear 2 surgical masks or a surgical mask with N95 together than wearing 2 N95 masks. Because it is very uncomfortable 😣 to wear 2 N95 masks together.

Don't put used masks everywhere. It can increase the spread of infection. Remember to dispose used masks directly to trash bins πŸ‘.
