Coffee trees in Southeast Asia.


From 'TREES AND FRUITS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA' , an illustrated field guide by Michael Jensen.

There are two types of coffee trees in Southeast Asia.

Coffea arabica

Key characteristics :

Up to 5 m tall, leaves opposite, 8-15 cm long and ripe berries are red or yellow color.

Description :

4-5 m tall. Horizontal branches in opposite pairs. Leaves opposite, dark green, shiny, 5-15 cm long, 6 cm wide, oval or elliptical, pointed, sometimes undulating. Flowers white, 2-20 to gather in leaf corners. Red or yellow berries oblong, 15 mm long.

Use :

For coffee  production. Dried pulp used in livestock food, for cottage soap production and fertilizer.

Ecology :

In its native habitat it grows at 1,300-1,800m altitude, prefers temparature between 13-24 °C ( not below zero) and annual rainfall of about 1,900mm, but will grow with as little as 750mm a year if evenly distributed. A short mild drought facilitates uniform flowering. Prefers deep, slightly acid, feritile and well drained soils.

Distribution :

Native to Ethiopian mountains but now found in most southeast Asian countries, including Burma, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Coffea canephora

Key characteristics :

Bush or small tree, leaves 15-30cm long, opposite, with undulating margin, prominent midrib below.
Common name is robusta coffee.

Description :

Umbrella shaped shrub or small tree, up to 10m tall. In full light branching near base. Leaves opposite, 15-30cm long, 5-15cm wide, often corrugated or undulating, oblong-elliptic, shortly pointed tip, base rounded or broadly cuneate, midrib flat above, prominent below, 8-13 pairs of lateral veins. Leaf stalk 0.8-2cm long with 5mm long traingular scale like appendage at base. Flowers from leaf corners, usually 6 together of which 3-4 develops. Flowers white, fragrant. Corolla tube about 1cm long and the 5-7 lobes 1-1.5cm long. Fruit round, 1.2cm in diameter, greenor crimson to black.

Use :

Lower quality than arabica, mainly used in coffee blends and for instant coffee.

 Ecology :

Grows from sea level about 1,600m altitude.Prefers 1,100-2,500mm annual rainfall and 18-32EC. Dry season favourable for flower initiation.

Distribution :

Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
